Tuesday, May 26, 2009

赛点高清影盘宝A6 文字评测

前两天赛点广州的代理商,送了台赛点A6过来让我试用,下面把自己的一些心得写下来,提供给大家做参考。 关于赛点NSI的品牌,其实各位可能了解的并不多,不过说起图美,相信很多人都不会陌生,这家公司做的移动外设产品,在外观设计和质量方面都是值得称道的,赛点做为图美进军国内播放器市场的新品牌,尽管让人陌生,不过相信能很快能成为市场上的一匹黑马。
以上说了很多,当然是希望大家对高清播放器的现状有一个了解,下面就来说说今天要谈的主角,赛点A6。 从外观来说,这款产品个人非常不喜欢,丝毫不显得高档,当然,小巧的外观是值得推荐的,不过也许正因为如此,这款机的发热量是惊人的,以致产品上贴着使用时不要触摸底部的警示,这的确是一个不小的问题,在测试产品时,因为担心发热过高,在底上加装了一个笔记本的散热底座,情况大有改观,发热量完全可以接受,相关建议也向代理商提出,希望厂家会有改善,至少可以配送个散热底座哈。
在接口方面,A6提供了2个USB,一个AV,左右音频,一个光纤接口,一个HDMI1.3接口,前面是开关按钮。 遥控的做工还可以,按键布局也比较合理,与RCA之类的产品比,要好了很多。 开机的速度还可以,采用的左右的界面布局,左边是控制菜单,右边是赛点的LOGO,字体的分辨率不错,在普通电视机及1080P环境下都很不错。 菜单很简捷,只有几个选项,分别是播放外置USB设备,卡,和外置DVD,另一项是系统设置,系统设置非常的简单,只有几个选项,基本不需要太多的设置,这一点真的挺人性化的。
接上移动硬盘,选择播放USB设备,会出现磁盘,如果有几个区,是以列表方式呈现的,选择很容易,进入磁盘后,就是影片的列表了,当选项移动到电影名时,电影名会以跑马灯形式出现,可以了解到更多的影片信息,这个设计比市面上有的高清机要好一些。选择电影,之后还需要再次按下确认按键才能播放,这个设计倒不是很好,不过读取的速度和播放的速度还是蛮快的,在导航方面,它提供了快进及选时播放功能,既可以按倍数快进,也可以自由选择播放时间。这一点做得还不错,甚至比8635的机都要做的好。在电影格式方面,市面上的格式基本都能支持,是目前播放器中,对高清格式支持最丰富的一款,而且,应该是全球唯一一款支持1080P RM播放的机器,当然很多人会对这个功能不以为是,但国内播放器是由RMVB播放器带动起来的,确是事实,而且,RMVB是互联网上最容易获得的格式,所以这项功能对国内用户而言,其实很有必要的,这一点,从RCA L8的热销可见一斑。在整个测试过程中,A6的影像素画面色彩非常好,而且层次感很强,人物看起来鲜活很多,要比MSTAR方案强很多,而且完美支持DTS解码和源码输出,这一点非常值得推荐,毕竟DTS是所有高清机不可逾越的一项功能,没有DTS功能的高清机,根本算不上一部真正的高清机,这样说,可能很多人不能接受,不过是我个人的感受。

My translate not good hpoe you understand

Guangzhou two days before NSI agents sent NSI A6 player let me try, following some of their experiences written down to provide a reference for everyone. About NSI brand you all may not know much, but 图美(is the company name) plans, I believe many people are not unfamiliar to us, so the company's mobile peripheral products, in design and quality are laudable and the plan for NSI enter the domestic market media players.
Who used high-definition player brands include open 开博尔, I-BOX, RCA, HDVISION, X2, WDTV, 灿凌, these players come from the program at a SIGMA8635 category, and the other which is MSTAR, this the difference between the two programs I believe all understand,in fact from the effect, MSTAR program simply is not the true high-definition player and many do not support high-definition format, the key is not support DTS decoding, high-definition player which is the most fatal to buy a HD player, but not be able to enjoy true digital audio, in fact, is a very painful, but prices not expensive and support 720P RM format, for all of this still quite attractive. But from a personal point of view, MSTAR program is really not worthy of recommendation,of course the comparison of price and performance, can accept a different matter.
But in any case, SIGMA program represents the development of the industry standard, regardless of ability to decode or function expansion, SIGMA leaders are well-deserved. However, several products used as open 开博尔, WDTV, HDVISION of view, there are several major issues, first, the reaction rate is relatively slow, easy hang, but also more complex interface to do gymnastics, and various vendors with solutions different, uneven quality.
A lot more than that, of course in the hope that the high-definition player to have a understanding of the status quo, following on to talk about today is that the main characters, NSI A6. From the look for this product personally do not like,because do not seem high-end, of course the appearance of small is recommended, but perhaps for this reason that this machine is staggering heat so close to the use of products Do not touch the bottom of the warning sign, it is indeed a big issue in testing products for fear of excessive heat, in the end I install a notebook cooling fan base, the situation is greatly improved heat perfectly acceptable , the relevant recommendations made to the agents hoped that manufacturers will be improved and hope distribution can give 1 free notebook cooling fan base.
In the interface area, A6 provides two USB, an AV, or audio, an optical interface, a HDMI1.3 interface, in front of the switch button. The work can also be remote control, button layout is also more reasonable, with products such as RCA ratio a lot better. The speed of the boot is quite fast and can also be used around the interface layout, the left is the control menu, the right is NSI A6 LOGO, the resolution of the font is true and also can be adjust and that in ordinary circumstances 1080P TV. Menu is very simple, only a few options, namely, external USB devices to play, cards, and an external DVD, another system settings, system settings is very simple, only a few options, basic does not need too much settings, this point is really quite human.
Connected to the mobile hard disk, select Play USB device, there will be a disk if there are several USB device to choose, is presented a list of ways to choose are very easy, when the option to move to the movie. The choice of movies and then also need to press to confirm button to play, the design is not very good, but the read speed and the speed of play is very fast, in navigation it provides a fast-forward and playback election, by multiples of either fast-forward, but also be free to choose the time to play. This is done well, even more than the 8635 machine to do good. In the movie format, the basic format of the market can support is the player on the high-definition format support,but should be only player can support of 1080P RM in this world, of course many people would do not think of this feature, but domestic players are driven by the RMVB player up, that this is a fact, but, RMVB is the Internet's most easily accessible format, so this feature on the domestic users, in fact, it is necessary This point, from the hot-selling RCA L8 can be seen. Throughout the testing process, A6 video color images very well, and a strong sense of hierarchy, a lot of people seem to live, a lot stronger than the MSTAR program, but also the perfect source to support DTS decoding and output, this is very worthy of recommendation After all, all high-definition DTS is a function of machine insurmountable, there is no DTS HD functions of machines, it is not a true high-definition machines, so that many people may not accept, but my personal feelings.

1 comment:

vanX said...

can you give me your contact method? i wish to buy this product.